Wednesday, August 18, 2010

PHEWWWW! I've been playing non-stop this few days. When I woke up this morning, I don't know what to do?! :@ Wake up, prepare, leave the house have become my daily routine. I need to make myself do assignment and revise!! :/ C'mon give me the power to do so.

I don't have a camera with me on Saturday so i've to wait for my photos PATIENTLY! becos' the bum lazy to upload. teehee.
I don't know should I say I am friendly or what? I kena survey twice on the day!
One of them contacted me, intro-ed me part-time assignment job :O I don't even have enough time this holiday, how am I going to work?!
We eat, walk, eat, walk. I eat, they wait, She eat, we wait. HAHAHAHA!
My mom asked me how come I took so long to reach home. I was busy slacking on the road. shhhhhh..

SUNDAY, 15/08/10
Since ju put us AEROPLANE! because they went wakeboarding.
We make the rest go fly kite. (the photos are alr up on facebook)
Supposed to meet my auntie at 1630hr.
We were late but we didn't tell her. She was late too!! She only reached at 1740hr!!! AWWWW.. she took soooooooo long and her house is so freaking near.
We were complaining! We sat at the LRT station while waiting for them. People kept staring at us when they ran passed us.

hello, BATMAN :) *wave*

our best trouble-maker! he kept on tangle-up the strings!

Penguin VS Batman

yeah, we fly our kite everywhere in a open field if we're too lazy to travel to barrage.

you fly kite, and you get to see sunset too (:

YOG staff tag so EXTRAAAA LARGE!

marucs "daddy, see i so strong!"

HAHAHA, he & me taking photos of each other. I looked like taking mirror reflection in his camera!

OPPS! we played inside the supermarket! arghhhhhh, he's stepping on my white crocs!

his play time, sliding!!

LOLS! trying to copy my action :'(

(click the image to see those words)
OMG! i'm doing a bubble speech of him! HAHAHA, making fun of him only. ;p
I should video him down one day, I'm very sure that all of you will laugh at him! But you will curse him at the same time. Our potential heartbreaker! :/
The family is spamming my facebook after I tagged them. Feel free to leave your comments too.

Okaaaayyyyyyyy, I will post about Monday in next entry. This entry is too long.