Offically the starts of holiday due to YOG. (oh yeah, oh yeah HEY, oh yeah, oh yeah, OH!) Awww.. my semester break will be shorter this time :/
Money is never enough. I got back most of my money but I feel poor again. I hate this! I wish that every month I will have extra allowance!
HOOOOO! I ate frolick for two consecutive days :D becos' i get to enjoy 50% off now! YAY! (short term happiness -,- ) I am going to have more tomorrow! I spent more than 10bucks already. I'm going to get more frolick home! HELLO FROLICK KAKIS :) *winks*
Watched Phua Chu Kang after our last day of school. I have to admit the storyline is like what you see on TV! You wiill enjoy the movie if you like PCK comedy. Nevertheless, we still enjoyed the movie :)
Since I can't go out late today, I've decided to stay at home. In return, I will get to enjoy next three days TTM! And you know, school work is piling up, exam is coming :/ sigh. And the kids out there that need to be involve in yog, poor thing.
I have to wait wait WAIT! omgf! just let us get it down and over! I mean, please approve us!