Friday, August 13, 2010

happy? sad?

Offically the starts of holiday due to YOG. (oh yeah, oh yeah HEY, oh yeah, oh yeah, OH!)  Awww.. my semester break will be shorter this time :/

Money is never enough. I got back most of my money but I feel poor again. I hate this! I wish that every month I will have extra allowance!

HOOOOO! I ate frolick for two consecutive days :D becos' i get to enjoy 50% off now! YAY! (short term happiness -,- ) I am going to have more tomorrow! I spent more than 10bucks already. I'm going to get more frolick home! HELLO FROLICK KAKIS :) *winks*

Watched Phua Chu Kang after our last day of school. I have to admit the storyline is like what you see on TV! You wiill enjoy the movie if you like PCK comedy. Nevertheless, we still enjoyed the movie :)

Since I can't go out late today, I've decided to stay at home. In return, I will get to enjoy next three days TTM! And you know, school work is piling up, exam is coming :/ sigh. And the kids out there that need to be involve in yog, poor thing.

I have to wait wait WAIT! omgf! just let us get it down and over! I mean, please approve us!