Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Time to prepare for final year examination, project deadline, chinese new year, new changes etc.

hopefully a reunion dinner with everyone before chinese new year hit us. I shall have steamboat & more steamboatssssssssss! Other than steamboat what can we have? Is so hard to accomodate to everyone's timing nowadays. And they have been reminding me about prawning when it wasn't my suggestion at all :(

After I wrote down about 2010,  I start to miss those muggers during N's & O's. MacDonald & Changi definitely left a great memory during those days. hey muggers, how have you been doing now? It have been a year or 2 since I last met you. And the rest of you, how are you too?

I have to prepare myself for those new changes and enviroment for another stage of life, yet again.

Still can't decide which new skill should I go for. :'( yeah, i'm pretty sure i will be making use of the new skill in life.

I need to re-shot my passport photo and get my application done this 2days before my mom kills me when we need to left town urgently or realizing my passport expire when we need get out of here next month. Oh, and get the other half of my room clear!

I NEED A NEW TOY FOR REAL. :'( i really need a new toy but this means i'm spending. what to do now?