We did nothing today, I don't really interact with my class.
One of my ultra long break, I went through half the teambuilding with SM. Seriously, "the yellowshoes" is damn noisy everyday. So noisy that we asked him to do many things. One of the station, 6 of them are supposed to sing a song. So the class choosed the last 6 of them who reached. 2guys, 4ladies! 4ladies anti the 2guys! I was telling them "how? your classmates anti you?". In the end, the whole class sings together! They don't need to shout at all because the whole class wll do the cheers, damn bond!
Today inside' joke "ah longgggggggggggggggggggggggg"! Sounds like calling for loanshark! Well, thanks to my short term memory!
We spent quite a few hours at the school new eatery. Gosh! They have plasma TV with MTV channel!