feel so suck up when the banks delayed the transaction. with the suck up attitude of the POSB customer service. seriously, the indian woman have a suck up attitude just because i'm a student? fuck man! i will use those transaction money to paste it on her face! it's enough for her one month salary! thanks for her sucks attitude, i will be even more attitude than her the next time i enter the bank! maybe i should just transfer all the money to other banks.
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On a random note, I figured out my taxation calculation but not my theory!
Ms Tan was so shocked to hear that i'm half done with my work when the class ends. She thought that since i'm forever talking in class, i won't do my work. But she was wrong! I talk and I do! HAHAHA! i'm already done with what she wants the class to do, so i don't have homework. Unless, i wanna be hardworking enough by completing the question.
Tomorrow will be my first offical managing finance class! I didn't attend the lecture last week. hopefully i catch the ball tomorrow!